RubyGems Navigation menu

RedCloth 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 RedCloth

ecm_links2 3.2.0

Link management module for ruby on rails.

17,485 下載

page_engine 0.0.5

Extends a rails application with pages, allowing the generation of navigation, breadcru...

17,251 下載

RuGPost 0.1.1

Ru(by) G(mail) Post(erous) command line facility

17,138 下載

chocbomb 0.0.3

ChocBomb is a shameful copy of ChocTop - Build and deploy tools for Cocoa apps using Sp...

16,718 下載

website_builder_engine 0.0.5

Add this engine to any Rails 3.1 app and create static webpages from data added through...

16,607 下載

ink 0.1.3

Ink is a wrapper for Pygments, a nice Python syntax highlighting library and formatters...

16,470 下載

acts_as_markup_extended 1.0.2

Represent ActiveRecord Markdown, Textile, Wiki text, RDoc columns as Markdown, Textile ...

16,410 下載

style-scanner 0.0.7

Flag errors with your writing Style

16,194 下載

rave 0.1.2

A toolkit for building Google Wave robots in Ruby

16,143 下載

rave 0.1.2

A toolkit for building Google Wave robots in Ruby

16,143 下載

chisel 0.0.4

Chisel is tool to generate simple, resource-based static Web sites.

15,760 下載

strelka-cms 0.3.0

This is a web content-management application written for the Strelka web application fr...

15,738 下載

atom-doc 0.1.4

Command line tool for generating text-based documentation

15,646 下載

k33l0r-redclothcoderay 0.3.5

Adds CodeRay syntax highlighting support to RedCloth, with a ‘source’ tag.

15,489 下載

enki-engine 0.0.5

An adaptation of the Enki blogging application as a Rails::Engine, for mounting in a ho...

15,152 下載

octopress-quote-tag 1.0.4

Nicely formatted HTML5 blockquotes for Jekyll sites

15,126 下載


Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

15,036 下載

Blux 0.0.5

An offline blog manager

15,028 下載

Blux 0.0.5

An offline blog manager

15,028 下載

mattmatt-jekyll 0.4.5

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

14,977 下載

matflores-jekyll 0.5.0

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

14,966 下載

neapolitan 0.4.1

Neapolitan is a meta-templating engine. Like a candy store it allows you to pick and ch...

14,939 下載

elvallenato 0.1.2

This gem will interface with

14,921 下載

radius-ts 1.3.1

This package has reached End-Of-Life. 1.3.0 is the last release, since then, everythin...

14,879 下載

scarlet 0.1.2

Generates XHTML slideshows from text files using Textile for markup. Does syntax highli...

14,796 下載

blume 0.0.4

Blume allows you to generate a static website from certain Sinatra projects.

14,749 下載

texter 1.1.0

* Лёгкий вывод блочных и инлайновых текстов, отформатированных с помощью Textile, Markd...

14,727 下載

markup-rails 0.0.3

Markup support for rails/active record.

14,638 下載

nirvdrum-jekyll 0.7.0

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

14,519 下載

transmuter 0.0.3

The Alien device to convert Markdown and Textile files to HTML or PDF.

14,382 下載

總下載次數 39,702,660

這個版本 2,598,007




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4
