RubyGems Navigation menu

RedCloth 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 RedCloth

pages_core 3.15.5

Pages Core

29,450 下載

tiny_site 0.2.2

A small static site engine with Heroku and Dropbox in mind

28,946 下載

redclothcoderay 0.3.6

Adds CodeRay syntax highlighting support to RedCloth, with a ‘source’ tag.

28,052 下載

tog-tog 0.5.4

extensible open source social network platform

26,845 下載

blue_pages 0.2.1

Pages engine handles cms-like pages.

26,132 下載

objects_extensions 0.4.0

Convenience Methods

25,917 下載

bigbench 0.0.6

Setup a network of bots only waiting to attack a few lonesome servers and force them to...

25,275 下載

rbbt-views 2.0.2

Rest and HTML interface

25,271 下載

gollum-bibanon 1.4.4

A simple, Git-powered wiki with a sweet API and local frontend, modded for the Biblioth...

25,249 下載

rblosxom 0.1.6

Rblosxom is a blosxom program written in ruby.

24,840 下載

hackety_sling 0.1.3

A simple blog engine based on Sinatra and document_mapper

24,690 下載


webgen is used to generate static websites from templates and content files (which can ...

24,564 下載

vidibus-textile 0.3.0

textile designed for advanced usage, like scheduling versions.

24,541 下載

grape_documenter 0.3.0

This adds a task to Rails Applications to generate documentation for Grape APIs.

24,146 下載

hierarchy 1.0.6

Adds ActiveRecord support for hierarchical data structures using PostgreSQL's LTREE col...

24,107 下載

indoctrinatr-tools 0.17.0

indoctrinatr-tools provides a set of command line tools for Indoctrinatr (an Open Sourc...

23,563 下載

any2html 0.0.5

Open textfiles formatted in various markup syntax in browser

22,886 下載

gust 0.2.2

Syntax highlighting and Markdown/Textile parsing

22,811 下載

textigniter 0.0.36

Textigniter is a lightweight static site generator based on textile (markdown optional)...

22,555 下載

steto 0.0.7

Ruby engine to check system status (with Nagios or custom checks)

22,361 下載

booky 0.0.6

Create a full blown book pdf from a textile file using prawn

22,314 下載

slices 2.0.2

A Rails CMS that can be embedded within your own site.

22,214 下載

rhet-butler 0.14.1

Rhet Butler is a presentation assistant. Build a slide deck in simple YAML, design it...

22,213 下載

docter 1.1.3

We has docs

21,978 下載

redcloth-rails 0.2.0

rails 3 engine which enables RedCloth and provides helpers for the awesome TextileEditor.

21,801 下載

EliteJournal 1.9.492

Elite Journal is a multi-user online journal (blog) software.

21,769 下載

amber 0.3.12

Amber is a super simple and super flexible static website generator with support for ni...

21,637 下載

buildrizpack 0.2.1

A buildr plugin contributing a new packaging method to package your project as a IzPack...

21,407 下載

buildrizpack 0.2.1

A buildr plugin contributing a new packaging method to package your project as a IzPack...

21,407 下載

catarse_full 0.1.0

Gem packaging of Catarse, a crowdfunding application.

21,201 下載

總下載次數 39,559,263

這個版本 2,462,548




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4
