RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para RedCloth La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren RedCloth

rwiki 0.2.5

Personal wiki based on ExtJS

20.988 Descargas

malt 0.4.0

Malt provides a factory framework for rendering a variety of template and markup docume...

20.926 Descargas


HTTP server mocking tool

20.733 Descargas

skles 1.1.1

A Ruby wrapper around the StrongKey Lite SOAP client API.

20.617 Descargas

moft 1.0.5

Moft is a simple, static site generator. A fork of jekyll, designed for greater simplic...

20.597 Descargas

mongoid-textile 1.0.0

Textile texts directly from MongoDB.

20.480 Descargas

activeldap-fabrication 1.0.1

'ActiveLdap Fabrication' is an ActiveLdap adapter for Fabrication. It means that you ca...

20.401 Descargas

codeslinger-jekyll 0.5.4

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

20.256 Descargas

proton 0.3.6

Proton lets you create static websites from a bunch of files written in HAML, Textile, ...

20.171 Descargas

forem-textile_formatter 0.1.0

Replaces the forem Rails engine's default formatting with Textile

20.050 Descargas

pink_shirt 0.0.6

Converts Html to Textile, or as some say 'html2textile', it's built on nokogiri

19.565 Descargas

merrycms 0.1.7

Admin panel for rails3 app : user management, pages, categories

19.439 Descargas

appsent 0.0.4

config management solution

19.385 Descargas

textile_extension_pack 0.0.6

Extends textile with some custom tags.

19.133 Descargas

hoe-manualgen 0.3.0

A manual-generation plugin for Hoe. This is a plugin for Hoe[http://seattlerb.rubyforg...

18.830 Descargas

common-content 0.0.5

Common-content is a simple CMS rails engine plugin for Mongoid based apps

18.823 Descargas


Postage is an API developed for handle text files for posts for blogs or anything else.

18.821 Descargas

galgen 0.1.4

Static HTML gallery generator

18.791 Descargas

propaganda 0.5.0

Propaganda uses Apache FOP to convert html to PDF using a series of stylesheets. Propag...

18.731 Descargas

locomotivecms_builder 1.0.0.alpha8

The LocomotiveCMS builder is a site generator for the LocomotiveCMS engine

18.512 Descargas

tinman 0.5.0

toto with textile (via RedCloth)

18.401 Descargas

jeremylightsmith-actionsite 0.7

ActionSite is a static site generator for ruby patterned after rails view templates sup...

18.360 Descargas

jeffrafter-spreadhead 0.6.2

Rails content mangement for pages that shouldn't be views.

18.318 Descargas

transdifflation 0.0.5

Compares yml locate files with yours and generate diff files to maintain gems or adjace...

18.198 Descargas

instiki 0.10.2

Instiki is a Wiki Clone written in Ruby that ships with an embedded webserver. You can...

18.014 Descargas

namaste 0.3.0

A ruby client implementation of the Namaste specification for directory description wit...

17.891 Descargas

ravicious-clothmark 0.2.5

With ClothMark you can easily convert your files formatted with Markdown, Textile or BB...

17.541 Descargas

ecm_videos 2.1.1

Ecm::Videos Module.

17.521 Descargas

content_blocks 0.3.1

Content blocks are commonly used models representing editable page partials.

17.507 Descargas

content_blocks 0.3.1

Content blocks are commonly used models representing editable page partials.

17.507 Descargas

Total de descargas 39.559.804

Para esta versión 2.462.987

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4
