RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para RedCloth La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren RedCloth

rwiki 0.2.5

Personal wiki based on ExtJS

20.587 Descargas

redcloth-rails 0.2.0

rails 3 engine which enables RedCloth and provides helpers for the awesome TextileEditor.

20.437 Descargas

skles 1.1.1

A Ruby wrapper around the StrongKey Lite SOAP client API.

20.256 Descargas


HTTP server mocking tool

20.238 Descargas

moft 1.0.5

Moft is a simple, static site generator. A fork of jekyll, designed for greater simplic...

20.182 Descargas

mongoid-textile 1.0.0

Textile texts directly from MongoDB.

20.139 Descargas

proton 0.3.6

Proton lets you create static websites from a bunch of files written in HAML, Textile, ...

19.810 Descargas

codeslinger-jekyll 0.5.4

Jekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.

19.801 Descargas

activeldap-fabrication 1.0.1

'ActiveLdap Fabrication' is an ActiveLdap adapter for Fabrication. It means that you ca...

19.745 Descargas

forem-textile_formatter 0.1.0

Replaces the forem Rails engine's default formatting with Textile

19.738 Descargas

pink_shirt 0.0.6

Converts Html to Textile, or as some say 'html2textile', it's built on nokogiri

19.241 Descargas

merrycms 0.1.7

Admin panel for rails3 app : user management, pages, categories

19.140 Descargas

appsent 0.0.4

config management solution

19.082 Descargas

textile_extension_pack 0.0.6

Extends textile with some custom tags.

18.806 Descargas

hoe-manualgen 0.3.0

A manual-generation plugin for Hoe. This is a plugin for Hoe[http://seattlerb.rubyforg...

18.546 Descargas


Postage is an API developed for handle text files for posts for blogs or anything else.

18.536 Descargas

common-content 0.0.5

Common-content is a simple CMS rails engine plugin for Mongoid based apps

18.504 Descargas

propaganda 0.5.0

Propaganda uses Apache FOP to convert html to PDF using a series of stylesheets. Propag...

18.433 Descargas

galgen 0.1.4

Static HTML gallery generator

18.401 Descargas

tinman 0.5.0

toto with textile (via RedCloth)

18.136 Descargas

locomotivecms_builder 1.0.0.alpha8

The LocomotiveCMS builder is a site generator for the LocomotiveCMS engine

18.104 Descargas

transdifflation 0.0.5

Compares yml locate files with yours and generate diff files to maintain gems or adjace...

17.922 Descargas

jeremylightsmith-actionsite 0.7

ActionSite is a static site generator for ruby patterned after rails view templates sup...

17.921 Descargas

jeffrafter-spreadhead 0.6.2

Rails content mangement for pages that shouldn't be views.

17.860 Descargas

instiki 0.10.2

Instiki is a Wiki Clone written in Ruby that ships with an embedded webserver. You can...

17.719 Descargas

namaste 0.3.0

A ruby client implementation of the Namaste specification for directory description wit...

17.706 Descargas

content_blocks 0.3.1

Content blocks are commonly used models representing editable page partials.

17.225 Descargas

content_blocks 0.3.1

Content blocks are commonly used models representing editable page partials.

17.225 Descargas

ravicious-clothmark 0.2.5

With ClothMark you can easily convert your files formatted with Markdown, Textile or BB...

17.142 Descargas

ecm_videos 2.1.1

Ecm::Videos Module.

17.049 Descargas

Total de descargas 34.122.388

Para esta versión 91.375



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4
